Home Jammu Udhampur: Police Arrests 9 Accused Involved In 5 Cases of Theft and... Jammu Udhampur: Police Arrests 9 Accused Involved In 5 Cases of Theft and Chain Snatching By excelsiornews - November 24, 2023 434 RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR BJP Stands with Nai Basti Shopkeepers, Seeks Rehabilitation Before Demolition: Dr Narinder Singh Mendhar: 5 Injured In Road Accident NC MLA Bashir Veeri Slams Party’s Chief Whip Unrealistic Figures Given In Budget, Jammu Not Given Fair Deal: MLA Pawan Gupta Kashmir Region Hugely Affected By New Reservation Policy: Sajad Lone Udhampur Police on Friday said it has solved five cases of snatching and theft and arrested nine Accused.